Thursday, September 25, 2008


Can you say $1.49??? Yes, that is correct, my next thrift store find was a whopping $1.49. By the looks of it I am guessing that it was previously a candle holder. There were old dusty (1980's) flowers wrapped up all along the base with its lovely greenish petina color....yuck. I knew I could spruce this one up easily and decided this little project WOULD NOT be spray painted black. My plan is to use it for every holiday and I didn't think black would be great for Christmas or Easter! Heck, the spray paint cost more than the darn thrift store find and I really like how it turned out! Now that its been brought back to life, it will start off by being my decorative mini pumpkin holder.


Barbie said...

That is an awesome find! I haven't been to the thrift stores in a few weeks. I think it is time for me to get back there and see if I can find such great things!

Barbie said...

Thanks for your comment today. By the way, that sign that says Because Two People... is from Target for $9.99!!