Sunday, April 13, 2008

Buzz Gets A Bath!

It was an uneventful weekend filled with yardwork, washing cars, and working on remodeling our bathroom. Well I guess I should rephrase that and say it was an eventful weekend full of the things that needed to get done and not things we wanted to do!
Kaiden loves the movie Toy Story. He has a Buzz Lightyear t-shirt and pajamas and when he wears either the shirt or pj's he is no longer Kaiden and he magically transforms into Buzz Lightyear. If we call him Kaiden while he is wearing either garment he will say to us "No Mommy(or Daddy)not Kaiden, I'm Buzz."
He was pretty adamant tonight about getting a bath and wearing Buzz pj's. So here are a few pics of our little Buzz.....aka Kaiden (ssshhhhhh, dont tell him that I said Kaiden!)


Barbie said...

That looks like one fun bath!! He is adorable in those Buzz pj's.