Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

Boy this week seems to be flying by! Between Kaiden going to speech therapy three times a week and doing homework, housework and running errands I certainly keep myself busy. Sometimes I sit back and feel guilty that I am not working right now.....crazy that I feel that way huh? My husband reassures me that everything is fine and quit thinking about not working. I see others working, taking care of their family and also going to college and on occasion I feel like I should be doing more or providing more (monetarily).
Why do we as mothers always think we should be doing more? I know at times I look at the lives of others and think that they have it "all together". I then start to judge myself. I know I need to stop doing that and realize how blessed I am to be able to stay at home with Kaiden and work on my degree without the added stress of a job. I need to quit listening to that little voice in my head because I know everything happens in God's time and according to his plan.
Here are a few pics of Kaiden and I playing around the house this week. He has been with us for almost 11 months now and I can't even remember what life was like without him!